Step 1: Knowing is Half the Battle…

Canadian CoinsHow much do you owe? Most people in debt don’t really have an inkling. They bury their heads in the sand, sometimes not even opening their bills each month, so they never commit to getting out of that hole.

You have to open those bills – even just the most recent one; just to find out how deep you are. Answer the phone when a bill collector calls. If you dodge them long enough, your account goes REALLY bad. You may be written off as a deadbeat and your account will be sold to a collection agency and your credit rating goes straight into the toilet. If this has already happened to you, you STILL need to get that stuff paid down.

Once it’s paid down, your credit rating will slowly get cleaned up, but the longer you wait to deal with it, the crappier your credit will get.

Step one is scary. The alternative is worse. Speak to your creditors, open your bills; find out to the penny how much you owe. In dollars and cents.

Once you KNOW, you can take CONTROL of it all.

Go get your calculator.

Make a list of every one of your creditors, and the amount you owe them right beside the name.
Add that column of debts up.

Try not to faint.

Next is Step 2.

It all gets better from here.


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