Am I Smarter than a Potato?

Inanimate Objectivity-Potatoes
Potatoes are Smarter Than They Let On…
My big project for 2014 (aside from becoming “Independently Self-Sufficient”, that is) was to be able to feed the household without having to purchase any vegetable I could grow myself.

Actually, the garden was a major part of the “Independently Self-Sufficient” plan – I just knew damned well that I could only just begin the project this year. I could only plant the stuff, and hope that in a year or two, I had learned enough and grown the garden large enough that we wouldn’t need to purchase items like tomatoes, cucumbers, strawberries and blueberries, melons, peas… you know – the kind of stuff that people around here manage to grow in sufficient amounts in their backyards.

My main concern was that gardeners around here have a big one-up on me.

Read more here…

Ruby’s Restaurant…

Traffic Jam!
Traffic Jam!
Taken Sunday September 14, 2014 with Samsung Galaxy S3

This is what I get for complaining about losing against Ruby in cribbage. I don’t know where her luck (er… talent?) comes from, but after winning my second game in about 8 1/2 years (!!!) against her a couple of weeks ago, I was very disgruntled tonight to see that she’s back on her winning streak.

Or I’m back on my losing streak.
Continue reading “Ruby’s Restaurant…”

Darla’s Coin-Operated Refrigerator…

God's Railroad
“God’s Railroad”
© Les Becker, 2005
Taken April 10, 2005 with Polaroid PDC3070

September 6, 2014

Somewhere between Wawa and Hawk Junction is a little town called Magpie…

Sometime during the 1930’s, Ruby’s sister Darla, and her husband Harry lived there. In fact, that’s where Ruby’s nephew Satch was born 78 years ago, and he still gets a kick out of telling people where he originated, since nobody’s ever heard of it.

Continue reading “Darla’s Coin-Operated Refrigerator…”


Taken August 31, 2014 with Samsung Galaxy S3

Ruby and I have been playing cribbage together since early in 2007. Usually she wins – lots of times I get skunked, and now and again she’s double-skunked me. I don’t know how many games we’ve played in all that time, but I know how many times I’ve beaten her.

Twice. Twice.

One of those two times was tonight.

And tonight I. Skunked. Ruby.

If it weren’t a Sunday, I’d have bought beer by now, to celebrate. A whole case of beer.

Random Song-for-the-Day: “Pancreas” – Weird Al Yankovic

My Dad Died Several Years Before I Was Born…

Matt & Maude Falls('round about the first time he "died"...)
Matt & Maude Falls
(’round about the first time he “died”…)

My dad died in July of 2008. It’s still really weird to say that. I’ve been thinking about him a lot, lately, and I haven’t yet told the story about the first time he died, which was a few years before I was born.

Except he wasn’t really dead… just… the whole town thought he was. It’s like a sitcom episode.
Continue reading “My Dad Died Several Years Before I Was Born…”